Captioned Multimedia
Captioning displays the dialogue, narration and sound effects of DVDs, videos, or TV programs as words on the screen, similar to subtitles on a movie. Videos may be available in open (always visible on the screen, similar to sub-titles) or closed-captioned (usually encased in letter boxes). For closed-captioned videotapes, a television with captioning capabilities (any TV manufactured after July 1, 1993) is necessary. Responsibilities are as follows:
- Choose DVDs and videos that are captioned or obtain captioned versions.
- Review Checking Course Content for Captions
- Review Creating Accessible Course Content for Students with Hearing Loss
- Apply for the NCSU Captioning Grant if needed.
- To obtain captioned DVDs/videos/films, contact Darby Orcutt at DH Hill Library or investigate captioned videos available for loan by visiting the Described and Captioned Media Program.
- Check with the technical staff in your college or department in advance about the use of the equipment (i.e. how to turn on the captions).
- If a captioned version is not available and you cannot make a substitution, please provide the student with a written transcript before the media is shown.
- The academic department is responsible for providing captioning for any video/website/CD/DVD, etc. that is produced by NC State University and selected for use in the course.
- If this is a Distance Education course through DELTA, email as soon as possible to request captions be added to your content.
- Email with questions, for resources, or for more information.
- Contact the instructor and your DRO service provider immediately if course DVDs, Videos, or TV programs are not captioned and a written transcript is not available.
- Provide consultation to instructors, departments and colleges regarding captioning of University produced materials.