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Course Policy Adjustment

Reasonable Course Policy Adjustments (CPA) for absences may be appropriate for students with chronic, physical, or mental health disabilities that have brief, periodic flare-ups resulting in interruptions that can legitimately interfere with course activities on occasion.

This accommodation is intended to provide limited flexibility to the course syllabus absence policy to allow for alternative opportunities and remove arbitrary punitive penalties. Verification of each disability related absence/interruption under this accommodation is not required.

A CPA is not designed to comprehensively address or fully support a student with ongoing absences or is unable to participate for extended periods of time. 

In some cases, adjustments may not be possible due to essential course requirements and the student’s final grade may be impacted should the student choose to enroll or stay enrolled in a particular course. Students may need to explore a withdrawal, course reduction or an incomplete .The DRO cannot guarantee a desired outcome but does assure full consideration of all relevant variables when making access determinations.

Procedure for Requesting a Course Policy Adjustment

If a student has periodic flare-ups documented to be regular or recurring that would require more flexibility for absences than allotted in the syllabus, the student should discuss possible options with the DRO. Through the information provided, the DRO will determine whether a Course Policy Adjustment is required. If approved, the DRO will collaborate with the instructor to identify reasonable adjustments. Students will receive an agreement outlining the reasonable adjustments that will maintain essential course requirements and outcomes.


  1. Students send accommodation letters prior to (or within) the first two-weeks of the new semester.
    • Sending letters later than two weeks prior to the withdrawal deadline for the respective semester (one-week prior to the deadline to withdraw for Summer I & II term courses) may limit available options, withdrawal deadlines can be found on the NC State Academic Calendar.
  2. When prompted by DRO, the instructor completes Course Policy Adjustment Form within 5-business days. 
  3. Instructor sends the completed Course Policy Adjustment Agreement to students approved for a CPA.
    • Once received, students should communicate any concerns with the DRO within 2-business days of receipt of the Agreement.
    • Students that do not receive a Course Policy Agreement and believe one is necessary should follow-up with their instructor and copy
  4. The Student or instructor should contact the DRO immediately if the expectations in the agreement are not being met, or if there are any other concerns during the semester.