Faculty Guide for Making up Work
Students are required to fulfill all course requirements and will be held to the same evaluation standards as specified in the course syllabus. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the material and notes from missed classes, to remain engaged in the course, and to make up the work missed. Absences for non-disability related reasons will not be excused by the accommodation. Students who are approved for an exception to the attendance policy are expected to contact instructors in advance of an anticipated absence, if possible. This expectation is particularly important if the anticipated absence will result in the student missing a quiz or exam or a deadline for submitting an assignment. For emergencies or unexpected disability-related absences, students should inform instructors as soon as possible to explain their absence and to discuss make-up work, if applicable.
In most cases, when disability absence occurs, instructors have agreed to reasonably alternative but equivalent ways for students to successfully complete essential course requirements without compromising course standards. This is usually best accomplished by the student, instructor and DRO Access Consultant working together as a team. Some methods that may be used and considered include:
- Altering timelines for coursework and tests.
- Assigning comparable make-up work.
- Allowing students to attend essential lectures or make up missed in-class activities given during other course sections.
- Giving students permission, when possible, to enroll in alternate sections of the course, such as an online section.
- Giving students an incomplete grade to allow an opportunity to fulfill course requirements through independent study or by attending class lectures the following semester.
- Allowing students to withdraw from the class so they can repeat the class during another semester when their medical condition has stabilized.