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By The End of the First Week
Request Accommodation Letters (If not requested 6 weeks in advance)
By The End of the Second Week
Contact your Instructors to Implement Accommodations
- If needed, request any assistive technology, accessible textbooks.
- If your instructor needs you to take exams with the DRO, schedule a space as soon as possible.
Throughout The Semester
- Stay in contact and make your instructor aware of any issues or problems with your accommodations.
- Contact the DRO if you have any questions, concerns or problems about receiving your accommodations as soon as possible.
- Check your email frequently. Your NC State email is the official mode of communication with you.
- Visit the DRO website for specific directions on requesting accommodations, scheduling testing and various opportunities and resources available throughout the semester.
End of The Semester
Register for Classes
- Utilize priority registration, if eligible, to create a schedule that allows you to use your accommodations effectively.
- Request accommodations as soon as possible after registering for classes.
Return Equipment
- Drop off equipment at the front desk of the Disability Resource Office after your last exam or the next business day after finals in a semester.