Testing Information for Instructors
Each semester/summer session your students will need to complete the following steps to request their Accommodation Letters and to receive their academic accommodations:
- Your students will request Accommodation Letters online.
- So long as everything requested is an accommodation for which the student has been approved, an email notification will be sent to you automatically.
- If changes or additions are requested, the notification will be sent out as soon as the student’s DRO Service Provider verifies the accommodation request.
- You will receive an e-mail notification that the Accommodation Letter is available online.
- Follow the link provided in that email, log into the DRO Portal with your Unity ID and Password and read the letter.
- Alternately, you can log into the Portal to check for new letters. Just click on “Courses” and then “Accommodation Letters” for each course.
- You can access the DRO Portal Directly using this link: DRO Portal: Instructor Login
- Once you read the letter, check the box in Step 2 that states “Do not complete this step if you will administer this student’s tests at a location other than at DRO. I authorize this student to take the tests for this course at the Disability Resources Office’s testing facility.” and click the “Submit” button.
- This step unlocks the student’s ability to schedule exams. Without it the student will be unable to schedule your exams at the DRO.
- If you have any questions about the academic accommodations listed, please see the comprehensive listing available on the Accommodations page.
General Information
- After the student has requested his/her accommodation/service letter the student should contact you to discuss and arrange testing accommodations or services. The discussion may be in person, via email, or phone conversation; however, we highly recommend that the faculty members contact their students to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment.
- You have the right to advanced notice and sufficient time to set up testing accommodations. The DRO informs students to contact their instructors as soon as possible, so there is sufficient time to set up accommodations.
- The DRO testing center is now using cameras to better ensure test security for the benefit of both instructors and students.
- Mobile phones, iPods, and any materials not authorized by the instructor are forbidden in the DRO testing center. If a student brings these items, the DRO provides lockers in which they may be stored.
- If your course exams are administered through DELTA or Engineering Online, then students with disabilities will also make arrangements through the DELTA testing service. Students must download and send a copy of the accommodation letter via e-mail to Distance Education at deproctor@ncsu.edu , notify DELTA that they wish to schedule your tests with accommodations and specify which accommodations they wish to use.
Creating Listings for Tests and Final Exams
Using the DRO Portal you will be able to provide information about the exams in the course(s) you teach by logging into the same system that you use to view your students’ accommodation letters. Doing so allows students to make reservations accurately without any guesswork.
Please right click the following link and open it in a new tab or window. This way you may review these instructions and work in the scheduling system at the same time. DRO Portal: Instructor Login
IMPORTANT! Please enter all exams (including finals) that you wish to have taken at the DRO as early as possible in the semester. Since we often fill up weeks in advance (earlier for particularly busy times) this is vital.
Once logged into the system, select “Courses” then select “Tests and Exams” for the appropriate section. Enter the date of your first test under the “Tell us about an upcoming test” heading and click the “add this test” box then follow the steps below:
Test/Exam Information for “Course/Section”
- Select the correct course/section from the dropdown menu. Make sure to only check the “this is a final exam” box only if it is indeed a final exam.
- The “Date of the Test” should already be populated from the previous screen. If not, add it again.
- Enter the time that the class is to start the test. Clock times are set at 15 minute intervals, so just enter the time manually if the presets do not match your class start/end times.
- Enter the time by which the class must end the test. This is the end of the class period or at whatever time you designate that all students must stop writing. Extended time testing at the DRO will be based on the information you have entered, so do not enter any extended time.
- Click the “Next” box.
Students scheduled to-date for “Course/Section”
- Review the students who have already scheduled tests for this class.
- We have enabled the ability for students to make a reservation before you create the test listings. The possibility exists that students may enter the information incorrectly, so please make any necessary adjustments. Once the listing has been submitted you will be able to check back to see if any students have scheduled it. You will also receive automated reminders via e-mail two weeks, one week, and then the day before each test date.
- Click the “Next” box.
Test Information for “Course/Section”
- Check the appropriate boxes for the “Materials Authorized” and the “Test Format” and provide any additional information/instructions in the “Instructor Comments” box.
- Check “unknown” if you have not determined the Test Format. Test Format is optional so don’t worry if the appropriate options are not available.
- Please note that your students will see any comments written in the “Instructor Comments” box.
- Click the “Next” box.
Confirm exam details for “Course/Section”
- Review the information provided on this screen.
- If anything is incorrect, click the “Previous” button to correct it.
- If the test / exam is ready, you can upload it into the system by following instructions under “File Upload”. Multiple files will need to be uploaded one at a time or combined into a zip file before uploading. If not, simply skip the “File Upload” section. The test / exam file(s) may be uploaded anytime up to the day before the test / exam date.
(This information goes directly from your computer to our server and cannot be intercepted by an email sniffer. It is secure.) - You may print this information by clicking on “Please print a copy for your records.”
- Click the “Submit changes” button to submit the listing.
- You can click the “Cancel” button at any time prior to submitting the changes.