Testing Information for Students
For each semester/summer session, you will need to complete the following steps to request your Accommodation Letters and to receive your academic accommodations.
- You request your accommodation letters via the DRO student portal. This may be done as early as the day after you schedule your courses in MyPack Portal.
- Your instructors receive an e-mail notifying them that the letters are available online.
- Your instructors follow the link provided in that e-mail, log in and read the letter.
- You contact your instructors to discuss your accommodations. Your instructors may not confirm receipt of your Accommodation Letter until you do so.
- Any testing accommodations and services are based on the materials and times allotted to the class as well as on essential academic requirements.
- If you do not contact your instructors to discuss and make arrangements for accommodations/services they may be delayed. Instructors have the right to advanced notice and sufficient time to set up accommodations and services.
- Once the letter is read your instructors need to check the box in Step 2 that states “I acknowledge that I have received and reviewed this Accommodation Letter” and click the “Submit” button. This step unlocks your ability to schedule exams.
- Your instructor will need to enter information about any tests that you are to take at DRO. Arranging Test Proctoring with the DRO is the link for instructors to find all the information that pertains to what they need to do to arrange for students to take tests at DRO.
Distance Education Courses
Download and send a copy of the accommodation letter via e-mail to delta_accommodations@ncsu.edu, notify DELTA that you wish to schedule the tests with accommodations and specify which accommodations you wish to use. If you do not submit a copy of the letter to DELTA your testing accommodations may be delayed.
- If the instructor is able to provide testing accommodations/services in the academic department then DRO will not be involved with your testing accommodations for this course.
- If the instructor is not able to provide testing accommodations/services in the academic department, you may request to test at the DRO. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Request that your instructor authorize you to test with DRO and enter the test information into our scheduling system. Please contact your instructors to request that they do so soon. Information about doing so is available at the following link: Arranging Test Proctoring with the DRO
- Discuss and resolve any testing conflicts with your instructors early in the semester and well in advance of the tests.
- Once an instructor has authorized you to test with DRO (by confirming receipt of your accommodation letter in the DRO faculty portal) you will be able to start scheduling exams. Go to the Step-by-Step Scheduling Instructions page for more details on the scheduling process.
General Testing Information
Maintain Communication
- Remind instructors the class period before each test, quiz or exam that you are testing at the DRO so they can send your exam and any related materials.
- Arrange with the instructor for all testing materials (ScanTron sheets, blue books, etc.) to be brought to and picked up from the DRO. The DRO does not provide or return hard copies of testing materials.
- Students testing at the DRO may not have access to their instructors. Discuss with each instructor any anticipated need to make contact during an exam and make advanced arrangements for this contact.
- Inform the instructor, the DRO Testing Coordinator, and the DRO Service Provider immediately if any problems regarding testing accommodations/services occur.
- Contact the instructor and the DRO immediately if you drop a course for which you requested or have been receiving testing accommodations and services.
Day of the Test
- Students testing at DRO need to start their exams at the scheduled time. Students who arrive late may forfeit their reserved space and may need to have the course instructor give permission to start the test after the scheduled start time.
- Do not bring non-testing materials to the DRO, including, but not limited to, mobile phones, iPod’s, smart watches, pocket books or book bags. If you do bring these items, the DRO provides lockers in which you may store them but will not be held responsible for their safety. You will need to bring your own lock if you wish to secure the locker.
Final Exams
- Final exams at the DRO are scheduled from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM and from 2:00 PM until 8:00 PM to allow for two full back-to-back 6-hour blocks (assuming that a 3-hour final is scheduled for the class and that the student is eligible for extended time) each day.
- We will endeavor to start finals at the DRO as close as possible to the time that the class is scheduled to take the exam, but cannot guarantee that such will always be possible.
- In the case of evening exams, students should schedule these either starting at 2:00 PM on the same day or starting at 8:00 AM the next day depending on the student’s schedule and the instructor’s preference.
- As always, it is the student’s responsibility to discuss any conflicts with the course instructor as soon as the conflict is realized.
- The DRO testing center uses cameras to better ensure test security for the benefit of both instructors and students. Please contact the DRO Testing Coordinator if you have any questions.
- Mobile phones, iPods, smart watches and any materials not authorized by your instructor are forbidden in the DRO testing center. If you do bring these items, the DRO provides lockers in which you may store them but will not be held responsible for their safety. You will need to bring your own lock if you wish to secure the locker.
Late Tests
- Tests that arrive late may not be administered. The testing schedule at DRO is often full, so delays caused by waiting on a test to be delivered can cascade throughout the rest of the day. In the case that a student is unable to take his or her exam at the scheduled time due to an absent test the students may be instructed to contact the course instructor to make alternate testing arrangements outside the DRO. Instructors are encouraged to check the testing system frequently to keep track of when their students are scheduled to take tests at DRO.
- DRO does not provide parking passes. Plan to park wherever you do for class.